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publications - events - membership -- acm special interest group on embedded systems publications events membership -- artemis / artemisia artemis european technology platform strategic research agenda artemis industrial association (artemisia) other es links journals conferences hot topics standards tools and platforms main projects position papers roadmaps newsletters and magazines mainstream press announcements publications past events organised by artist artist quantitative model checking winter school 2012 february 27th - march 1st 2012 neres 2011 november 10-11, 2011 aces mb 2011 october 18th, 2011 wss’11 october 14th, 2011 wese 2011 october 13th, 2011 time-predictable and composable architectures for dependable embedded systems october 9th, 2011 jtres - 2011 september 26-28, 2011 formats 2011 september 21-23, 2011 irtaw-15 september 14-16, 2011 artist summer school europe 2011 september 4-9, 2011 artist summer school in china 2011 august 8-12, 2011 artist summer school on ict for future energy systems 2011 july 25-29, 2011 wcet 2011 july 5th, 2011 rtn’2011 july 5th, 2011 map2mpsoc 2011 june 28-29, 2011 artist graduate school on rt kernels for microcontrollers - 2011 june 13-17, 2011 apres 2011 april 11th, 2011 rigorous embedded design 2011 april 10th, 2011 ppes 2011 march 18th, 2011 artistdesign workshop on real-time system models for schedulability analysis february 7-8, 2011 synchronous programming of device drivers for global resource control in embedded operating systems january 27th, 2011 synchron 2010 november 29th - december 3rd 2010 uml&fm’2010 november 16th, 2010 wss’10 october 29th, 2010 wese’10 october 28th, 2010 wfcd - 2010 october 24th, 2010 aces mb 2010 october 4th, 2010 artist summer school europe 2010 september 5-10, 2010 fit 2010 august 30th, 2010 memocode 2010 july 26-28, 2010 artist summer school in china 2010 july 18-23, 2010 artist summer school in morocco - 2010 july 11-16, 2010 wcet 2010 july 6th, 2010 ospert 2010 july 6th, 2010 artist hw platforms and mpsoc technical meeting july 6-7, 2010 mapping applications to mpsocs 2010 june 29-30, 2010 artist graduate school on rt kernels for microcontrollers june 14-18, 2010 artist graduate course: automated formal methods for embedded systems - 2010 june 14-22, 2010 artist summer school south-america 2010 may 26-28, 2010 greembed 2010 april 12th, 2010 fesa 2010 april 12th, 2010 warm 2010 april 12th, 2010 quantitative model checking 2010 march 2-5, 2010 uml&fm’2009 december 8th, 2009 wesh 2009 december 7th, 2009 crts 2009 december 1st, 2009 wss’09 october 16th, 2009 wese’09 october 15th, 2009 repp 2009 october 15th, 2009 wfcd - foundations and applications of component-based design 2009 october 11th, 2009 apres’09 october 11th, 2009 seec’09 october 8-9, 2009 irtaw-14 october 7-9, 2009 aces mb 2009 october 6th, 2009 vvps 2009 september 19-20, 2009 artist summer school in europe 2009 september 7-11, 2009 artist school in south america 2009: embedded systems design august 3-7, 2009 artist summer school in china 2009 july 19-24, 2009 wcet 2009 june 30th, 2009 ospert 2009 june 30th, 2009 mapping applications to mpsocs 2009 june 29-30, 2009 runtime verification 2009 june 26-28, 2009 artistdesign noe - embedded systems seminar june 18-19, 2009 artist graduate course: automated formal methods for embedded systems - 2009 june 17-25, 2009 artist graduate course on embedded control systems 2009 june 8-12, 2009 dyscas 2009 february 18th, 2009 mapping of applications-to mpsocs - artistdesign working meeting november 27-28, 2008 embedded systems: industrial applications ’08 november 12-13, 2008 ws on multicores: theory and practice october 28th, 2008 uml&fm’08 october 27th, 2008 wese’08: ws on embedded systems education october 23rd, 2008 workshop on foundations and applications of component-based design (wfcd’2008) october 19th, 2008 aces mb 2008 september 29th, 2008 artist2 summer school 2008 in europe september 8-12, 2008 artist2 south-american school for embedded systems 2008 august 25-29, 2008 artist2 summer school in china 2008 july 12-18, 2008 mocc 2008 july 3-4, 2008 wcet’08 july 1st, 2008 ospert 2008 july 1st, 2008 movep’08 june 23-27, 2008 real-time kernels for microcontrollers: theory and practice june 23-25, 2008 comes 2008 june 17-18, 2008 artist2 graduate course on: automated formal methods for embedded systems 2008 june 16-24, 2008 mapping applications to mpsocs 2008 june 16-17, 2008 artist2 graduate course on embedded control systems may 26-30, 2008 artistdesign workshop on design for adaptivity may 13-14, 2008 dataflow modeling for embedded systems 2008 may 5th, 2008 apres’08 april 21st, 2008 sla++p’2008 april 5th, 2008 artist2 timing analysis activity meeting 2008 march 13th, 2008 artistdesign automotive systems day 2008 march 12th, 2008 atesst open workshop march 3rd, 2008 synchron 2007 november 26-30, 2007 artist2 meeting on integrated modular avionics november 12-13, 2007 wese’07: ws on embedded systems education october 4-5, 2007 foundations of component-based design september 30th, 2007 between control and software (in honor of paul caspi) september 28th, 2007 first european-southamerican school for embedded systems august 21-24, 2007 artist2 / unu-iist school in china - 2007 august 1-10, 2007 fcc 2007 july 4-5, 2007 artist ws: tool platforms for es modelling, analysis and validation july 1-2, 2007 artist2 phd course on: automated formal methods for embedded systems june 4-12, 2007 2nd int’l artist workshop on control for embedded systems may 31st - june 1st 2007 artist2 graduate course on embedded control systems may 7-11, 2007 towards a systematic approach to embedded system design april 20th, 2007 neres 2007 april 2nd, 2007 real-time microcontroller systems: osek standard and experiments on µcontroller devices march 26-28, 2007 artist2 - motives 2007 february 19-23, 2007 artist2 workshop on basic concepts in mobile embedded systems december 4-5, 2006 artist2 workshop on timing analysis in the industrial development process (isola 2006) november 17th, 2006 mocc - models of computation and communication november 16-17, 2006 artist2 - foundations and applications of component-based design october 26th, 2006 wese’06 - embedded systems education october 26th, 2006 atva china 2006 october 23-26, 2006 atva china 2006 october 23-26, 2006 first european laboratory on real-time and control for embedded systems july 1